Commencement Address

​Brandeis University 2019 Undergraduate Commencement Speech

On May 19th, 2019, I graduated from Brandeis University. I also was selected to speak on behalf of my graduating class during the university's 68th Commencement Ceremony as the Undergraduate Speaker. Fresh off the heels of my TEDxBrandeisUniversity talk, this was easily the biggest thing I'd ever done and the culmination of my time at Brandeis.

And if you were wondering where that QR code on my cap leads to, click here!


BrandeisNOW: "Commencement 2019: 'We must be in this together. Relentlessly.'" (2019)
The Boston Globe: "Holocaust historian offers a dire warning at Brandeis commencement" (2019)
Posse Foundation: "Three Atlanta Scholars Chosen to Deliver Commencement Addresses" (2019)